Pea & Dulse Salad

On occasion I will allow myself some type of mock meat, mainly because it’s damn tasty and adds a different type of texture to food. The mock chicken or as I like to call it: chikyn, is Asda’s own brand and can be found in the frozen vegetarian food section.


½ a courgette chopped into half moons

¼ of a bag of frozen chikyn

A handful of fresh peas

A handful of popped amaranth

A few strips of dulse, chopped.

A handful of fresh baby leaf spinach

Dressing Ingredients:

Sea salt

1tbsp Balsamic vinegar

1 tbsp Hemp oil


  • Pre-heat the oven to 200c.
  • Place the chopped courgette and chikyn into a baking tray and drizzle with some sunflower oil. Then place in the oven for 20 minutes.
  • In the meantime, mix the rest of the salad ingredients in a large bowl.
  • When courgettes and chikyn are cooked, allow to cool slightly before mixing in the salad.
  • To make the dressing: Mix dressing ingredients in a small glass and then drizzle over the salad.

This is filling enough to be a main meal or a large lunch. You know what they say: a large green salad a day keeps the doctor away. Well this one should because it is full of vitamin C, protein, B12, calcium and iron.


Raw Banana Ice Cream

Since Swedish Glace was brought out by Unilever last year, I’ve been searching for another ultimate treat. In case you don’t know, Unilever still tests chemicals and cosmetics on animals so I won’t support them, which is a shame because SG is delicious and available everywhere. Of course there is always the Booja Booja raw ice cream which is super tasty, but mega expensive. You can pay up to £8 a tub for that stuff and I’m not a wealthy person so I needed to come up with an alternative.

So here’s what I did: I got a whole bunch of bananas, peeled and chopped them and froze them for 24 hours. In the meantime I stewed a whole punnet of plums in water with cinnamon. This created a 100% fruit jam with no added sugar.

Then I threw the bananas into my food processor and pulse blended them, (turn the blades high and then off in bursts) until they looked like this:


Then you know, I munched my amazing new ice cream creation with the plum jam.


Do it and do it now. You won’t regret it and it tastes like soft scoop ice cream. 🙂

Green Goddess Smoothie

This is a very simple smoothie recipe that I eat on an almost daily basis. It is full of protein, b12, iron, vitamin c and potassium. I use it as a pre and post workout food. You can also add and subtract ingredients as you see fit without altering the flavour too much. (Be careful about nutrition though.)


2 bananas

A handful of fresh baby leaf spinach

A sprinkle of spirulina

A sprinkle of barley grass powder

A scoop of raw hemp protein powder

A large glass of non-dairy milk such as hazelnut milk or you can use water.

(When I’m skint, I make it with just bananas, hemp protein and water.)




Blend until smooth.



The great thing about this recipe is that you don’t need a high powered, super expensive blender. I have a five year old Kenwood and it does just fine. It’s approximately 300 calories a serving so you can also have it as a full meal and I often do that too.



Szechuan Tofu Stir Fry with Peanut Butter Beansprouts




Szechuan Sauce

  • 10 fresh chillies chopped and de-seeded.
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 6 tbsp. white wine vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. agave nectar
  • 2 tbsp. sesame oil
  • 1 tbsp. salt

Stir Fry

  • 2 carrots chopped into matchsticks
  • 5 mushrooms
  • Half a block of firm tofu, cubed
  • 2 white onions
  • ¼ of a savoy cabbage
  • Half a large bag of beansprouts
  • 2 tbsp. crunchy peanut butter (The no added sugar variety.)
  • 10 slices of water chestnuts


For the sauce:

Blend all of the ingredients together in a high powered food processor and leave to infuse whilst you make the stir fry.

For the stir fry:

Lightly oil a wok with some olive oil or sesame oil and allow to heat.

Chop the mushrooms, onions and tofu and allow to cook on a high heat for about 5 minutes.

Add all the rest of the ingredients, except the peanut butter and beansprouts.

Mix well and turn heat down to the lowest setting.

In the meantime, heat a small quantity of oil in another pan and add the beansprouts and peanut butter. If the peanut butter does not melt, increase the heat whilst stirring for an additional few minutes.

Mix the Szechuan sauce in with the stir fry and turn up the heat again to warm through for 2 minutes.

Plate up the stir fry and sprinkle the peanut butter beansprouts over the top.

This dish contains lots of calcium, protein and iron.

(N.B store brought Szechuan can be just as good, but sometimes contains a lot of refined white sugar.)

My lifestyle change story

When I was six years old, I was struck down by phenomena. It was caught late and I was really sick. I had a good couple of months off of school. It was so bad that it significantly reduced my lung capacity and left me suffering chronic chest infections every year around the beginning of autumn. As I grew older, I slowed my metabolism significantly with the introduction of alcohol from about the age of 15. By the time I was 24 my diet was mainly ready meals, fake meats and pasta based dishes and I was a good 4 stone over weight. Yet now at 27 I am running 5k races, lifting more weight than ever before and I’ve reached an optimal BMI, if you believe in such things.



So how did I do it? Let’s rewind to January 2010. I had just started a relationship with the person who would become my ex-partner in 2012. She made me very happy, but I was still suffering from some pretty nasty depression. After taking anti-depressants for a while and not seeing any notable improvement, I decided that my diet needed to be looked at. I brought Brendan Brazier’s Thrive Diet book and followed it to the letter. I found that I was losing weight, I was less anxious and all the digestive stress that I had been experiencing dissipated. The Thrive Diet puts emphasis on vegan whole foods, raw foods and non-processed foods. It focuses on creating an alkaline environment in your blood, so that your body can function at it’s optimum state.



So the diet started to make me feel better about myself, but it didn’t solve all of my problems. I’d still get really low in the evenings and in the mornings. I was working between 60 and 80 hours a week at the time, so didn’t think I could fit any exercise in. It seems however, that if you want it badly enough, you can fit anything into your daily routine. I started to go to the gym every other day for about 2 hours in the evening. I lost a lot more weight and got up to a reasonable standard of fitness, but what did I do? I let it all slip in the autumn of 2011 when I got one of my horrendous chest infections. I started eating rubbish food and exercising maybe once a week. Why? Well because my depression and anxiety took over every function of my life. I had a lot of time off sick from work and my friends suffered from me being in a state nearly all of the time. Now I look back on that time, perhaps subconsciously I knew that my partner was falling out of love with me and I couldn’t cope with it.



I managed to get a grip again sometime around March 2012 and started to eat properly and go to the gym a few times a week. Then in May my partner left and my whole life turned to shit….again. I spent two months drunk every day. My depression literally ate me alive. I’m not really sure what clicked in me because I certainly wasn’t over it, but in August I picked myself up off of the floor. Those of you who came to Vegan Camp will remember me getting up at 6am every day and working out in the mud. That was the start of my journey.



When I got back from camp, I decided things needed to change. I went back to following Thrive religiously. I started working out every single weekday morning and going to a class every single weekday evening. The weight started to fall off of me and the muscle started to become more defined. My personal trainer, Dave really helped me during this time. He had suffered a personal tragedy himself, but he was always there to listen to me and filter my anger and aggression into hitting personal best upon personal best.



So here I am at 70.6kg and 25% body fat. I still have a little more body fat to lose to get the definition I truly desire, but I did it and you know what? In my adult life, this is one of two things that I’m extremely proud of. (The first being, buying my first flat at 23 and my 2nd flat at 25.)

I know you think you can’t do it, but you really can. I over came reduced lung capacity, depression and a rather serious breakup. I didn’t even have a chest infection in 2012 for the first time since I was 6. Here’s something to make you think: my fitness regime only takes up 8% of my day and I achieved this.



Review Of Anusia Cafe In Tring.

Anusia Cafe in Tring formerly know as The Green House, is a place of culinary delights.

Mykey and I were greeted by the chap who owns the place and seated in a little alcove not far from a fire place. It was quite, private and intimate. A lady joined us presently and recommended us some of her favourite wine. How could we refuse? We had a glass of the house bottle each. An organic red which was full bodied and had a subtle hint of berries. I’m not sure I’ve ever had better tasting wine.

The starter was with us very quickly. It was soup of the day: A creamy beetroot and parsnip soup with home made whole meal bread. Every mouthful was heaven. I’ve had borscht before, but this was like the executive version.


We had a little wait for our main course, but this was well received. The starter had been quite large so it needed time to digest, or as my Dad used to say, “allow my stomach to make room for more.”

For the main we ordered the Black Bean Chilli: A winter warming traditional chilli poured over a coriander polenta cake, topped with sweet potato crisps and served with locally sourced organic salad, chipotle dressing, sour cream and guacamole. Mykey had never had polenta cake before so it was an absolute pleasure for him, especially in this dish. It was spicy and it was sweet. It was crunchy and it was smooth. A dish so full of flavour that there was not one tiny scrap left on either of our plates.


I’m not really sure how, but we managed to convince ourselves we had enough space for dessert. I’d had their cheesecake before and there was no way I was missing out on any raw desserts made by whatever genius works in the kitchen. (I want to meet them one day and get tips!) So here it is: David’s Apple Pie with sultana and cinnamon, served with vanilla cashew ice kream.


The whole three course meal including two rather exquisite glasses of wine was £63. Now this is expensive, but considering Anusia Cafe is only open once a month in the evening (it’s open in the day time normally) and the food is better than anything that I could ever cook, I’ll let them off. 10/10.


Vegan Low Calorie, Low Fat Pancakes

Most people are under the impression that you can’t have pancakes that aren’t laden with eggs, milk and white processed flour. One of the first things I did when I went vegan in 2006, was to make pancakes. The floury and stodgy 900 calorie delights, smothered with golden syrup. If that’s what you want, I can give you the recipe right now:


Soya milk


That’s it. Whisk it up and fry in some olive oil. Then you can cover it in any sugary delight you like.

Personally I like my food to be full of nutrients and low in fat. If you’re like me, the below recipe adapted from Brendan Brazier’s Thrive book will be right up your street.

  1. 2 dates
  2. 128g blueberries
  3. 340ml non-dairy milk
  4. 240ml water
  5. 68g buckwheat flour
  6. 43g quinoa (cooked or sprouted)
  7. 1 tsp baking powder
  8. 1 tsp baking soda

Mix all the ingredients together in a food processor and either fry in olive oil for a couple of minutes on each side, or bake in a warm oven for 20 minutes.

For 2 pancakes that’s a total of 227 calories and 4 grams of fat. Enjoy!


Let’s talk about C.R.A.P!

Carbonated Junk

Refined Sugars

Artificial Shit

Processed Foods

One of the first things you can do is cut all the crap out of your diet. It’s a really small change and it makes a huge difference to how you feel and how you look.

Carbonated Junk

By this I mean fizzy drinks and yes, all of them:  Waters, colas, lemonades and other carbonated juices.

By cutting out the average 2 fizzy drinks a day (UK), you can save yourself up to 400 calories and you may be able to reduce the chances of obesity, diabetes, metabolic syndromes and cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure amongst others.


What should I drink instead?

    • Herbal tea – This will give you a natural boost without caffeine and counts towards your 8 glasses of water a day.
    • Water – Will hydrate you, keep you focused and help keep hunger at bay.
    • Not from concentrate juices – As an occasional treat these juices are full of vitamins and minerals.


Refined Sugars

White sugar, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, dextrose, fructose, and ALL artificial sweeteners are included here.

Studies suggest that because refined sugar is basically an empty calorie like alcohol, it should be consumed in moderation. Personally I’d get rid of it all together and here’s why:

  • It leaches minerals and vitamins from the body.
  • It is tough on the digestive system, often causing bloating and discomfort.
  • It is linked to type two diabetes.
  • It creates an acid environment in the blood stream, which will give prevalence to certain types of cancer. It also means the body is over working to try and alkalise the blood. (Cancer cannot grow in alkaline environments. Read acidosis theory.)

Scoop of Sugar

But I really like sweet things!

That’s ok. There are loads of ways to sweeten your food without adding refined sugar. Some natural sweeteners include maple syrup, molasses, stevia and agave. I like to add fruit to sweeten things. For example on my porridge I’ll add a chopped banana and some raisins. Fruit sugars will also give you more quickly available energy. I love to have a banana smoothie before a good workout.


Artificial Shit

I’m really talking about sweeteners  and food flavourings here, with the most notable being aspartame. This is the sweetener used in squash and diet drinks. It has been known to cause immediate effects such as headaches, mental confusion, dizziness and seizures. It also forms harmful chemicals in the body such as formaldehyde which leads to metabolic acidosis and can cause kidney failure and blindness as well as creating an environment where cancer cells can thrive.

My advice? Stay well clear, always and forever.


Processed Foods

Any food which has been canned, boxed or bagged is classified as processed food. For example an apple is not a processed food, but an apple pie is.

Processed foods are bad for your health because they often contain high levels of fat, salt and sugar. Over consumption can lead to obesity, high blood pressure and cancer.

fruit and vegetable variety





I’d say treat yourself to occasional (once a month) processed treat, but in the meantime try and make things from scratch. See what you think of this kidney bean burger:


  • A tablespoon of olive oil
  • Two large handfuls of cooked kidney beans
  • 5 cloves of peeled garlic


  • Blend all the ingredients in a food processor
  • Lightly fry in olive oil

Serve with a large, fresh salad.

So there we have it. Cut the C.R.A.P and start your journey towards a healthier you.

Mango & Coconut Energy Bombs



  • A whole mango, peeled and de-seeded.
  • A large handful of dessicated coconut (or fresh, chopped coconut if you want to make this raw.)
  • 5 tablespoons of cooked quinoa (or sprouted if you want to make it raw.)
  • A teaspoon of sesame seeds.
  • A teaspoon of hemp oil.
  • A teaspoon of milled flaxseed.


  • If you have cooked your quinoa (20 mins in boiling water), let this cool first.
  • Place all ingredients into a high powered food processor and blend until a relatively smooth, but not liquid consistency has been achieved.
  • Pour into cupcake holders to serve.

This recipe makes four energy bombs. I tend to eat one straight away and freeze the rest. They will last for several days in the freezer.

I use this snack as a pre workout boost because it’s full of protein, complex and non-complex carbohydrates and plenty of other nutrients. This will keep me fuelled up and on form for at least an hour of heavy cardio and weight lifting. They can also be used as a post workout snack, as the flax, hemp and quinoa contain all 9 essential amino acids and therefore will help with muscle repair and recovery.

Animal Rights Ideology

I was raised in an environment where I was encouraged to be inquisitive. If I didn’t question everything and learn from the responses I received, then my parents would be disappointed in me.

As I grew into a teenager, I questioned the world around me more and more. It will come as little surprise that I became vegetarian at the age of 14 after learning where my food came from and what happened to get it onto my plate. Viva was instrumental in this change in lifestyle and pushed me towards vegetarianism, more than my own mother could have. At 17 I became vegan, but living in a vegetarian household with lots of hassle from my parents and no support from anywhere else, I abandoned veganism. Then over the next few years my political opinions started forming and I became an avid lefty. At 20 I went vegan for good and joined the animal rights movement. My inquisitive and questioning nature always remained.

I took part in demonstrations, marches and information stalls. I had many friends in the movement and I was having a great time socially. One of the highlights of these years for me was hooking up with the Liverpool animal rights group and going to an underground anarchist punk gig with vegan food. I really felt like I was part of something and that I belonged. Nothing could ever tear me away from these people.

Meanwhile my political ideals were developing further. I became more and more left wing, flirting with socialism and anarchy. However I began to question those movements along with my new found passion for feminism. It seemed like the approach to achieving their goals was watered down. They were picking away at a problem one small piece at a time. The issue with this is that by the time they solved one problem, if at all, another would spring up in its place leading to a never ending cycle where they couldn’t reach their end goal. People question these types of social activism all the time, so I was not alone in finding others with similar views.

One day I was walking back from a particularly eventful demonstration outside a well-known animal tester in Huntingdon, when it dawned on me. I’d been in the movement for five years. In that time we were no closer to a vegan world or total animal liberation. Were we no different from the other justice movements? Were we just picking the low hanging fruit for easy victories that would soon be eclipsed by a larger and viler threat? YES!

That was my journey to abolitionism.

Most of the people who write about this subject are highly qualified intellectuals and express views in the language that is more familiar to that group. I am not one of those people and neither are a majority of animal rights activists who are failing to understand the message. This is obvious in the defensive and sometimes vocally violent reactions other activists have had towards me since I started airing abolitionist theory.

I hope to put abolitionism in a simpler and brighter light so we can really start to end the property status of animals once and for all.


What is veganism to me?

Vegan lifestyles exclude – as far as possible and practical – all forms of exploitation of animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. Vegans – enjoy foods made from fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, peas, lentils, grains and mushrooms, including all plant based herbs and spices.”

The Vegan Society 2012.

All forms of discrimination are connected. Racism, sexism, homophobia, speciesism, ageism etc. all incite violence and hatred. By rejecting all forms of discrimination, you become non-violent. Veganism = non-violence.

There are three main benefits to becoming vegan:

1)      You are rejecting violence towards other sentient beings.

2)      Through wholefood, plant based eating your health will improve.

3)      You will have a lower environmental impact.

I’m not going to go into detail about these aspects as that is not my intention with this piece. (I would recommend reading up on these at a later date. They will help you construct detailed and positive arguments for veganism.


Welfarism: The Basics

Around two hundred years ago, a movement started to increase the welfare of animals used by humans. This initially stemmed from the use of animals in vivisection. (Animal experiments.)

Welfarism focuses on a single issue at a time, for example a reduction or termination of the use of primates in medical research. This is said to be, “baby steps” towards creating a world where animals are not abused by humans.

The main ideology is that it is ok to use animals as long as you are nice about it. For example, it is ok to raise and then slaughter a cow if she has had a nice life.

Many vegans and animal rights activists subscribe to this way of thinking because it has been the main way of campaigning since humans started to become concerned about other animals. Big charity organisations also use single issue campaigns and ask for donations in the process.

The Problems with Welfarism

Welfarism poses a number of ethical problems.

  • It assumes that it is ok to do anything you like to a sentient being as long as it done nicely. For example, it is ok to keep a pig in a big outdoor pen with high quality food, and then slaughter her for food. (As if slaughter is ever nice or pleasant.) This enforces the property status of animals and thus inhibits a transition to a vegan world and total animal liberation.
  • Welfarism has been around for about 200 years. That that time we haven’t come any closer to a non-violent world. In fact, animal use in all areas has increased, rather than decreased as the welfarist paradigm suggests that it should.
  • Single issue campaigns enforce speciesism for two reasons:

1)      They place the importance of one animal over another. A protest at a fur far places the importance of minks over the importance of the dairy cow, by association and subconsciously in the human mind. If you ask a lot of animal rights activists, they are often focused on fur and vivisection because they see them as worse forms of suffering, when in fact all suffering is wrong.

2)      They enforce the property paradigm. Cheale meats are a pig slaughterhouse that recently underwent an investigation that found that the workers were abusing the pigs before slaughter. Animal rights activists turn up and start protesting, shouting from the rooftops about how barbaric and disgusting the whole thing is. A non-vegan sees or reads about this protest and thinks, “how horrible!? I don’t take part in this sort of thing so therefore I am not as bad as them.” They then carry on as normal. Once again you are left with the thought that it is ok to use animals as long as you treat them nicely. This is speciesism.

  • Big charities such as PETA make money from welfarism and single issue campaigns. They call for more humane methods of slaughter (oxymoron) such as controlled atmosphere killing (CAK) saying that it will greatly increase the welfare of chickens for example. They get their un-knowing volunteers onto the streets to educate people about this campaign and then ask for donations. In the meantime, they are in discussions with the likes of KFC telling them how much more of a profit they will make because people will feel better about eating their product and their efficiency will be up. Once KFC agrees to this, PETA hail, “victory” and people feel like they have made a difference for animals. In reality all they done is make animal agribusiness more profitable and moved further away from animal liberation,, whilst filling the charity coffers.

Abolitionism: The Basics

The theory of abolition has been around since the time of endorsed human slavery. The people who campaigned for an end to slavery were called abolitionists. They did not want people to be slaves with certain freedoms; they wanted people to be free, full stop! It wasn’t until about 20 years ago that this was applied to animal rights. Many books and essays were written, but word failed to spread quickly in a welfare orientated animal rights movement until the prolific spread of the internet. Now you can see and hear many debates and discussions about abolitionism and many more vegan outreach events taking place across the country.

Abolitionists believe that animals are not our property and we should not enforce this paradigm with our activism. Veganism is the moral baseline for all activism because it is the absolute minimum required to bring about animal liberation. It is also believed that promoting vegetarianism as a step towards veganism stalls the transition, because people begin to believe veganism is hard and that vegetarianism is enough to end animal exploitation.

Rescuing animals and supporting sanctuaries is also an essential belief. They cannot help that they are in the situation they are in and need all the help we can offer.


The Problems with Abolitionism

The main problem with the abolitionist movement is that it alienates the people it wants to target as I outlined in my introduction. I believe Gary Francione and other abolitionists put forward a very good argument, however sometimes it can be difficult to read and understand.

The second problem is that it basically says that traditional activism supports non-human slavery rather than helping to end it. Whilst I believe this is the truth and have said so many times, it does cause heated debate. I am a strong minded and capable person in all debating situations, whether it is on the internet or in person. Not everyone is, however and this is how welfarism makes its easy wins and keeps people enshrined in its ideology.



On the whole I feel that abolitionism is the only way we can overcome the property status of animals and gain a vegan world. You cannot make the two approaches work together because they are polar opposites. Both are fighting for what they perceive as social justice, but that perception is starkly different.

For more abolitionist FAQs please visit: