Cheesy Tofu Pie

Traditionally in the UK the summer seems to only last a couple of weeks and then we have lots of rain and a few mild days before it gets cold again. Well at least for the past ten years anyway and they tell us the climate isn’t changing yet! This means we still get to have pies in the summer to keep us warm and fill us up.

I wouldn’t say this is a particularly healthy recipe, but it’s a lot better than it’s non-vegan counterpart.

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The best thing about my recipes is that you don’t need anything fancy to make them work. All the ingredients should already be in your house or easily available.


  • 2 tins of braised tofu (I got mine from Holland & Barrett.)
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 1 clove of garlic, diced
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon of vegetable bouillon powder
  • Half a carton of passata
  • Water as needed
  • 2 large potatoes
  • Half a block of Violife original cheese, grated
  • 2 tablespoons nutritional yeast flakes
  • 1 tablespoon Vitalite dairy free spread
  • 2 large carrots, peeled and chopped

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  1. Get the oven on full whack.
  2. Have a pan of salted water heating up to boil.
  3. Fry the onion, garlic and carrots in an oven proof pan, for about three minutes.
  4. Empty the contents of the tofu tin into the pan, including the juices. Break up the tofu into smaller pieces and allow everything to simmer for about two minutes.
  5. Add the bay leaves, red wine vinegar and passata and turn down the heat. Allow to bubble gently for about 10 minutes until the carrots have softened.
  6. Taste the mixture. Add salt and pepper if desired. Turn off the heat.
  7. Slice the potatoes thinly and boil in salted water for 2 minutes. Drain and place back in the sauce pan where you mix in the Vitalite and any extra salt and pepper you require.
  8. Place on top of the tofu mixture, layering if you need to. Cover in grated Violife and nutritional yeast.
  9. Put in the oven, in the oven proof pan for approximately 15 minutes or until the top has a nice crunch.

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Enjoy on it’s own or with some steamed vegetables. It’s very filling!

Stuffed Sweet Peppers

I already know what you’re thinking. BORING! Everyone always makes stuffed peppers for vegans and it’s getting really old. Well think again! This is a revamped recipe that you’re not only going to want to eat yourself, but rustle up as a great starter for a main meal. One thing this dish isn’t is pretty. I suppose if you fannied around for a little while with some rocket, you could make a meaningful display, but I don’t have time for that sort of nonsense. 😛

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60 grams cous cous (2 servings)

Half a jar of sun dried tomatoes, chopped

Half a jar of artichoke hearts, chopped

1 vegetable stock cube

Wholemeal bread crumbs

Nutritional yeast

6 sweet long peppers of varying sizes

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  • Turn the oven on. Slice your peppers down the middle. Season with a little salt and pepper, then place in the oven for 10 minutes to begin cooking.
  • In the meantime, prepare your cous cous as per packet instructions, mixing in a vegetable stock cube to give flavour.
  • Now add the sun dried tomato and artichoke to the cous cous. Don’t worry about any extra oil. It all adds to the Mediterranean flavour.
  • Remove peppers from the oven and fill with the cous cous mixture.
  • Top with a generous helping of nutritional yeast and bread crumbs for that extra crunch.
  • Place back in the oven for a further 10-15 minutes so the peppers can soften and the top can go crispy.

Serve as a light lunch with a salad or on it’s own as a starter.

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Deconstructed Sushi Salad

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We’ve been living in South Wales for a year now. The culinary options in the valleys aren’t exactly amazing. It’s one of the only things I miss about London really. I used to have sushi on a regular basis because I’ve always been rubbish at making it. What’s not to love about sushi? Crisp nori, salty rice and a crunch in the middle topped off with some soy sauce, ginger or wasabi. I came up with this dish to satisfy my sushi craving.


Half a pomegranate (Seeds only)

1 Avocado

A large handful of kale

2 servings of sushi rice or normal white rice

A dash of mirin

A dash of soy sauce

A sheet of shredded nori

Black pepper

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  • Cook the rice as per packet instructions. Drain and season with pepper, mirin and soy sauce.
  • Stir fry the kale in a hot pan for about a minute and then mix in with warm rice.
  • Plate up rice and kale mixture, then top with chopped avocado, nori and pomegranate.
  • Eat warm straight away or cold later on.
  • Eat with chop sticks if possible. 😉

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Not only is this dish really delicious, it’s full of folate, good fats, vitamin C, iron, iodine and protein. It’s perfect for your post-workout recovery meal, especially with a hydrating green tea.


Enjoy. X


Chocolate Mousse

It’s really hot in the UK right now. Like, we are literally having a heatwave. This is unusual for us so of course I need to make something yummy and refreshing to deal with the heat.

A chocolate mousse garnished with orange and lime sounds perfect.



This is really easy to make which is great for me because I am absolutely rubbish when it comes to sweet food.


Here’s the ingredients:

1 avocado, peeled

A shot glass full of soya milk

2 tablespoons of coco powder

Here’s what you do:

Blend it all together

Put in fridge for about 5 hours

Garnish with lime and orange

Eat in your garden in the sun

Feed to your Beard.

20150420_112924 20150420_113048 20150420_113043 20150420_113036 20150420_113117 20150420_113158 20150420_113211With this little treat you get good fats without tasting the avocado at all. If it’s not sweet enough for you, you can always add a teaspoon of agave nectar, golden syrup or sugar. I liked it just the way it is.


Enjoy friends and remember to stay hydrated in this heat.