Apple & Rhubarb Crumble

Yay! It’s autumn! Leaves on the ground, a chill in the air and a yummy pudding for your tummy.

I like to keep my baking really simple because I do not excel at it. I’ve lost count of the amount of desserts I’ve tried to make and they have turned out as a pile of slop. Tasty slop mind.


Ingredients for filling:

  • 5 stems of fresh rhubarb or a bag of frozen. (I used the last of my home grown stuff.)
  • 1 apple, diced. (You can peel if you like, but I’m not fancy.)
  • A handful of frozen strawberries.
  • 1 TBSP sugar.
  • 1 TSP cinnamon
  • 1 TSP all spice
  • 1 TSP ground cloves
  • 1 TBSP maple syrup
  • 1 TSP vegetable oil

Ingredients for topping:

  • Enough plain flour to cover the filling, depending on what size dish you are using. (I used about 400 grams.)
  • 2 TBSP sugar
  • 2 TBSP semi-solid coconut oil or vegan butter.
  • 1 TSP almond extract
  • 1 TSP good quality vanilla extract



  • Heat up a pan with the vegetable oil.
  • Fry the chopped rhubarb and apple for 2 minutes before adding the sugar.
  • Stir continuously until the sugar and oil start to form a caramel.
  • Now add the spices and maple syrup. Mix to insure everything is fully covered and turn off the pan.
  • Add the frozen strawberries at this point but don’t mix in.
  • Pour into a baking dish and turn on the oven to pre-heat.
  • Now get all the topping ingredients and place in a large bowl.
  • Rub the mixture through your finger and thumb, to create breadcrumbs.
  • Distribute the crumb over the top of the fruit mixture and place in the oven on a medium heat for about 25 minutes.
  • Serve either on it’s own or with vegan ice cream.


Certainly not healthy, but bloody tasty. Get it in your face.





Jerk Pulled “Pork” with Banana Salsa & Peach Cobbler Pudding

This was a bit off the cuff. I just decided to take pictures of a two course meal I cooked my friends. The pictures therefore aren’t amazing, nor is there enough of them showing different elements. I’d like to apologise for that now. However, I couldn’t deny you this recipe because it was so damn good.



300 g brown sugar

4 cans of braised tofu

4 tbsp of jerk seasoning or hot fajita spice

A small glass of pineapple juice

50 g golden syrup

2 cans of black beans or pinto beans (Or a mix of both)

Lots of soft flour tortillas

Natural soya yoghurt (I just used one small pot)

3 medium bananas, not quite ripe, peeled and chopped

1 red onion, peeled and chopped

2 just ripe avocados

Juice of half a lemon

Juice of half a lime

Fresh coriander leaves, roughly chopped

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An hour before, mix the salt, sugar and drained tofu in a large bowl and leave to marinate.

Once the hour is up, mix in the jerk seasoning, pineapple and golden syrup into the bowl.

Place in a hot pan and stir occasionally until the liquid starts to evaporate. Then turn down to a low heat whilst you break apart the tofu into pulled strips.

Leave to slowly cook off the rest of the juices whilst you make your salsa,

Put the diced banana in a bowl with onion. Peel, chop and stone the avocado and add that too. Mix in the lemon, lime and coriander and you’re done.

Reheat your beans and warm up your tortillas and your done.

Check it out.

Ready Made Ready made 2 Mixed beans Dollshouse

Serve with natural yoghurt for a cooling effect.

My friends had 3 each of these bad bois. I was stuffed after two.

When this has gone down you can serve your pudding. Obviously you would have had this prepared and in the oven before hand because you’re sensible like that right?

Being me, this is a super simple pudding and not too heavy on sugar.


2 tins of sliced peaches in juice

The zest of one lemon

2 tbsp golden syrup

140 g plain flour

50 g porridge oats

25 g cold vegan butter (I used vitalite.)



Get your oven on at about 200 degrees.

Drain the peaches and reserve the juice. Tip them into a deep baking dish. Toss with the lemon rind and 1 tbsp golden syrup.

In a bowl, combine the oats, flour and butter. Add the remaining golden syrup and peach juice.

Mix with a spoon until you have a crumbly mixture.

Scatter over the peaches and bake for 30 minutes.

Serve with any leftover natural soya yoghurt you have.

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I hope the pictures weren’t too bad and you have a rough idea of what I’m on about.

Enjoy. X

Chocolate Mousse

It’s really hot in the UK right now. Like, we are literally having a heatwave. This is unusual for us so of course I need to make something yummy and refreshing to deal with the heat.

A chocolate mousse garnished with orange and lime sounds perfect.



This is really easy to make which is great for me because I am absolutely rubbish when it comes to sweet food.


Here’s the ingredients:

1 avocado, peeled

A shot glass full of soya milk

2 tablespoons of coco powder

Here’s what you do:

Blend it all together

Put in fridge for about 5 hours

Garnish with lime and orange

Eat in your garden in the sun

Feed to your Beard.

20150420_112924 20150420_113048 20150420_113043 20150420_113036 20150420_113117 20150420_113158 20150420_113211With this little treat you get good fats without tasting the avocado at all. If it’s not sweet enough for you, you can always add a teaspoon of agave nectar, golden syrup or sugar. I liked it just the way it is.


Enjoy friends and remember to stay hydrated in this heat.

Baked Lime Cheesecake

Anyone who reads this blog will know there aren’t many sweet recipes on here. Why? I am simply rubbish at baking. Occasionally I hit a good recipe though and this is one of them. This is my take on a baked lime cheesecake.

BeFunky_20150228_203213.jpgAs normal my adventures in baking are never pretty, but this one tastes amazing!


1 pot of plain vegan cream cheese (I used Toffuti.)

The juice and zest of one lime.

Half a pack Hob Knob biscuits.

Half a mug of sugar (More if it’s to your taste.)

It’s that easy!


  • Get the oven on to heat up. About 200 degrees should do it.
  • Empty half a pack of hob knobs into a plastic food bag and tie up. Beat with a rolling pin until they form a fine crumb.
  • Spread your crumb in the dish you want to bake your cheesecake in. I used a small Victoria sponge tin.
  • Pour the remaining ingredients in your food processor and mix until a sweet paste has formed. Add more sugar and lime to taste. A drop of vanilla essence could also do wonders here.
  • Spread thickly over the biscuit base.
  • Bake for 45 minutes checking regularly to ensure it doesn’t burn.
  • Leave to cool then place in the fridge to set before serving.
  • Take to your newbie vegan friend’s house and show them that they can still have cheesecake. 😉

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 Serve with vegan ice cream to be extra naughty. 😉




Caramel Walnut Bourbon Cake

You may already have guessed by now, but I’m not great at making cakes and take a lot of inspiration from others.

My inspiration for this particular recipe has come from this lovely blog:

I used the exact same recipe and method, however I used 5cl of Jack Daniels rather than a teaspoon and all the UK ingredients rather than the American ones.

I took it to work and received mixed reviews. Some said it was too sweet and others couldn’t help coming back for more. Me personally I loved it, but yet again it proved that I’m rubbish with cakes. 😛

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Vanilla & Maple Syrup Cookies

I love cooking, but when it comes to baking I’m probably the worst person in the world at it! Don’t get me wrong, vegan cakes are no harder to make than non-vegan ones. If anything they are easier because you don’t have to mess around with eggs etc. The reason I’m so bad? Well because you have to follow the recipe using proper measurements for it all to come out right. You can imagine my surprise when I just threw a load of ingredients together the other night and they actually came out ok. No scrap that, they were amazingly tasty….even if they didn’t look it.


Here’s my made up spur of the moment recipe:


¾ tub of vegan butter (I used Vitalite.)

A phone sized wedge of vegetable shortening (I used Trex.)

2 tablespoons of vanilla essence.

Half a small bottle of maple syrup.

2 tablespoons of egg replacer (I don’t normally use this stuff, but I just thought it might work for once and it was almost out of date.)

A shot of water.

10 tablespoons of self raising flour.




Method to my madness:

  • Place the butter and the shortening in a bowl and mix together using an everyday fork, until it becomes a type of thick paste.
  • Now add the flour, vanilla essence, maple syrup and egg replacer. Mix together with clean hands and if it becomes too dry, now is the time to add the shot of water.
  • It should basically look….well like cookie dough! You can also try it now because it doesn’t have any nasty things in it that will make you sick. Do you like it? Does it need more vanilla? Then add it!
  • Now grab some greaseproof paper, put it on a baking tray and spoon out small circles which will become your cookies.
  • Bake for 10 minutes at 200 degrees, then turn right down to 150 degrees for another 10 minutes. (This will insure the outside is crispy and the inside is soft.)
  • Serve with a nice glass of plant based milk.


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Raw Millionaire’s Shortbread

Another great raw treat which is also great for pre and post workout food. I took this to the gym with me and about 15 people tried it seemed very impressed.

I first heard of this delight at a vegan potluck when my friend’s daughter Amy made a batch. Her’s were much more eye pleasing and tasted just as good. Unfortunately I don’t think I’m ever going to be good at making food look professional, but I’m learning with time.

Biscuit Base


  • A large handful of dates
  • A large cup of almonds (preferably soaked for 12 hours and then rinsed)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract

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Grind all ingredients in a blender until the mixture is sticky and has the consistency of crushed digestive biscuits (similar to a traditional cheesecake base). Grease a dish with coconut oil and then press the mixture into the dish, packing it tight.

Caramel Layer


  • Half a  jar of light tahini
  • Half a small bottle of maple syrup
  • Two tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 1tsp vanilla extract

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Chocolate Topping


Blend all ingredients until smooth and then pour over the “Biscuit” base. Put dish in freezer for around 15-20 minutes to allow the “caramel” to set.


  • 2 tbsp raw cacao (or unsugared coco powder)
  • 2 tbsp agave syrup
  • 3 tsp coconut oil


Simply put all the ingredients in a bowl and mix by hand. The mixture starts to set quite quickly, so it is a good idea to put the bowl inside a larger bowl filled with hot water to keep it soft. Once your “caramel” has set, pour the chocolate on top spreading it evenly and then return your shortbread to the freezer to set. Once the chocolate is hard, remove your Healthy Millionaires Shortbread from the freezer, cut in to squares and serve!

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Raw Coconut & Date Cookies

These cookies were a hit with everyone who ate them and we will definitely be making them again. They are stocked full of good carbs such as dates and bananas, so they are great to eat about an hour before exercise. They are also jam packed with protein from the flax and pumpkin seeds. Combine that with the good carbs and you also have a great post workout snack too, or you can just have them as a cheeky dessert.

We decided to make these cookies raw because we love raw food. It’s always so full of flavour and the health benefits are enormous. For example when you cook food, you denature (destroy) the enzymes contained within that food, some of which are very beneficial to your health. Also with green vegetables, the vitamins and minerals contained within them tend to be water soluble, so if you cook them in water you will lose a lot of nutrition. (Personally I prefer to roast, dehydrate or eat all of my veg raw.)


2 ripe bananas.

A large handful of pumpkin seeds, chopped coarsely.


200 grams of milled flax seed.

200 grams of shredded, unsweetened coconut.

8 dates, chopped and depitted. (We buy ours with the pits already removed.)

3/4 bottle of agave nectar

2 tsp. cinnamon


In a large bowl combine all the ingredients. We used a potato masher. Be patient with this because it can take a while to get to the right consistency. It was a workout making these cookies in the first place.

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Make into cookie shapes and place on grease proof paper on a dehydrator tray. (If you don’t have a dehydrator you can now choose to bake for 15 minutes or you can eat them just as the dough.)

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Dehydrate for approximately 15 hours if you want them to still be slightly soft and gooey inside.


Thrive Banana & Coconut Pie (Raw)

This is something that Mykey made me whilst I tidied the house. It made enough for me and him to have it as a post workout protein cake for a week. I apologise for American measurements. He kind of made it up as he went along and it came out great.


  • 1 cup hemp protein powder
  • 1 cup dates
  • 1/2 cup coconut, shredded
  • 1/2 cup sunflower seeds
  • 1tsp lemon juice
  • 1 tbsp fresh ginger


  • 2 bananas
  • 1 pear
  • 1tbsp fresh ginger
  • 1/2 cup coconut
  • 1/4 cup sunflower seeds
  • 1/2 cup macadamias, soaked
  • 1/4 cup ground flax seeds
  • 1/2 tsp salt


Make crust by putting all ingredients into food processor and processing until dough like. Remove and spread out onto a pie plate, pack down. Put all filling ingredients into food processor and process until creamy. Fill pie crust by evenly spreading out filling. Put in the freezer for about 60 minutes.

Don’t forget that because this is basically a raw dish, it’s very nutrient dense whilst lower in calories. Eat raw food and clean whole foods often to obtain maximum level of health.




Vanilla Cupcakes – Literally!

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I’m rubbish at making cakes. I don’t know why I bother most of the time because with amount of sugar and other crap in them, I can only have one and then I have to give the rest away. (Living clean and training dirty!) I can’t decorate them to save my life either which is why they look like a five year old has made them. Meh! They tasted good and that’s all that really matters. The below recipe is from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World.

Frosting Ingredients:

½             cup nonhydrogenated shortening (Trex)

½             cup nonhydrogenated margarine

3½          cups confectioners’ sugar, sifted (Caster sugar)

1½          tsp. vanilla extract

¼             cup plain soy milk or soy creamer

1              tsp. red food colouring

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Cupcake Ingredients:

1              cup soy milk

1              tsp. apple cider vinegar

1¼          cups all-purpose flour

2              Tbsp. cornstarch

¾             tsp. baking powder

½             tsp. baking soda

¼             tsp. salt (increase salt to ½ teaspoon if you’re using oil instead of margarine)

½             cup non-hydrogenated margarine, softened, or ⅓ cup canola oil

¾             cup sugar

2              tsp. vanilla extract

¼             tsp. almond extract, caramel extract, or more vanilla extract



Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line muffin pan with cupcake liners.

Whisk the soy milk and vinegar in a measuring cup and set aside for a few minutes to get good and curdled.

If using margarine: Sift the flour, cornstarch, baking powder, baking soda, and salt into a large bowl and mix.

In a separate large bowl, use a handheld mixer at medium speed to cream the margarine and sugar for about 2 minutes until light and fluffy. (Don’t beat past 2 minutes.) Beat in the vanilla and other extract, if using, then alternate beating in the soy milk mixture and dry ingredients, stopping to scrape the sides of the bowl a few times.

If using oil: Beat together the soy milk mixture, oil, sugar, vanilla, and other extracts, if using, in a large bowl. Sift in the flour, cornstarch, baking powder, baking soda, and salt, and mix until no large lumps remain.

Fill cupcake liners two-thirds of the way and bake for 20 to 22 minutes. Transfer to a cooling rack, and let cool completely before frosting.