A Day in the Life of Me

People often think that vegans live this strange kind of life, where we sit around in tie dye clothes and pray to a tree Goddess all day. Maybe there are some vegans like that. I guarantee though that most of us are just so normal it hurts. Here’s my Sunday for you. My day of rest and fun. 🙂

We let the dogs in early in the morning when it is our rest days, so often I wake up like this.

Day in the life 2

Epic breakfasts are also reserved for weekends. I made us siracha avocado, baked beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, potatoes and bagels. Super yummy!

Day in the life 4

Whilst we have breakfast, the girls enjoy causing mischief.

Day in the life 5

And one of our five rescue cats, Saski Mouche enjoys the winter sun on the windowsill.

Day in the life 3

After breakfast I enjoy some Gears of War whilst The Beard enjoys some Fallout 4.

My mum called around lunch time and I went to Sainsbury’s for a cheeky mince pie and a cup of coffee with her.

Day in the life 1

Later on we took the girls out for a long walk up the mountain. We live in a really beautiful area and on our days off, we try and make the most of it.

For dinner I whipped up a lentil roast with a red wine reduction and some spring greens.

Day in the life 11

So that’s it. Nothing fancy and not a hippy in sight.