Vegan Pepperoni Pizza Muffins

I got the idea for these bad bois from a random internet meme. I saw them and instantly thought, “this needs to be vegan!” Here’s the easy peasy veganised version for your taste buds pleasure! 🙂





Get the oven on at full whack!

Now cut circles from one of your wholemeal wraps to make a base. If you have pastry cutters that would be great, I don’t. I used the bottom of a tin which just happened to be the exact right size.


Now place the bases in a muffin tin and place about a teaspoon of tomato puree in each.


Fill each tin with the pre-grated Toffuti Mozzarella and VBites pepperoni style slices. (Chopped.)


Then place them in the oven for 15 minutes before checking them. The cheese should be nice and melted by this point and you just need to brown off the top for another 5 minutes. Once cooked serve with a nice fresh salad.


These are perfect for parties because you can literally eat them in a couple of bites, but the flavour is still really intense.


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If you’re not vegan already, please consider going vegan. It’s the least you can do for the animals, for your health and for the environment.

Find out more at:

Emz X


International Vegan Pizza Day 2014

I’ll tell you what; I’ve never eaten so much pizza in my entire life. I did use some cheeky little cheats to make it not only quicker, but cheaper too. 😉



I made:

Pepperoni pizza muffins out of a wholewheat tortilla, pre-grated Toffuti cheese and VBites pepperoni style pieces. (Recipe coming for this soon.)

An Italian style spicy sausage (which was just a thinly sliced Linda McCartney sausage lightly fried in paprika and chilli flakes), artichoke and mushroom strong “cheddar” thin crust pizza, using JustRoll pre-rolled dough and pizza sauce.

A herby smoked cheese stuffed dough ball.

A standard thick crusted, thin based vegetable pizza with Tesco’s own brand smoked cheese.


Firstly I never want to see another pizza again 😉 , secondly I refuse to believe you can’t go vegan because “OMG what would I do without pizza” and thirdly and finally after not having cheese on a pizza for so long, I’ve found I actually prefer it that way. It’s fresher and you can taste all of the toppings instead of just cheese. It was however a nice treat and definitely wait until next year before I indulge that much again.

What did you do for Vegan Pizza day?


Pasta Alfredo & Kale Pesto

Having a lovely creamy pasta with a salty flavoursome pesto on it, is something I’ve not had since I’ve been vegan, which is almost 9 years now. I decided to mess around with some ingredients and I came up with this:


Because the sauce is made from butter beans instead of cheese, it’s really filling. That protein certainly packs a punch! *flexes muscles* Kale is also a superfood and you should eat it every day, raw if possible.


Pasta – I used Penne.

Alfredo Sauce

  • Vegan butter such as Vitalite.
  • 4 cloves of garlic.
  • Sea salt.
  • Black pepper.
  • 2 cans of butter beans, drained.
  • 1 vegetable stock cube, undissolved.
  • Water as required from pasta.

Kale Pesto

  • A large handful of curly kale.
  • A large handful of raw walnuts.
  • Sea salt.
  • Rapeseed oil.



It’s best to start with the kale pesto so that it has time for all the flavours to infuse. Place the kale, walnuts and a sprinkle of sea salt into a food processor pulse blending whilst adding drops of rapeseed oil to gain the required consistency as pictured above.

Scrape out the pesto into a spare bowl and clean the food processor of all pesto flavours. You’ll need it for the next bit.



Get your pasta on to cook as per the packet instructions, drain and place to one side. (Try and keep at least a small glass of that beautiful starchy water. It will thicken your sauce.)

Chop and peel the garlic and fry gently in about two large tablespoons of Vitalite for 3 to 4 minutes. Once complete, pour the entire contents of the pan into the food processor. (Tip, keep tasting it to make sure it’s to your liking. My first batch was waaaaaay too salty.)

Now add the rest of the ingredients for the sauce and blend until you get a nice thick consistency. Place this sauce in the pan you fried the garlic in and spread out.

Now place the pasta in the pan and mix through. The pasta will start to absorb the sauce and reheat, however if it’s still too cold for your liking switch on the pan for a couple of minutes to heat through.

Season with some extra black pepper and the kale pesto.

This amount will feed four adults, easily. You’ll also have tons of pesto left over that will keep for up to week in the fridge.


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Love and light! 🙂

Guest Blog Post: Vegan Witchin’ In The Kitchen

Vegan Witchin’ In The Kitchen is a bespoke food order service based in the UK. They also like to create cheap and simple recipes that anyone can follow. This is a guest blog by my friend Stephanie from VWITK called: The Savoury Plait!




  • 1 pack of Granose “Sunflower Seed, Lentil & Vegetable Roast” mix (in fact any of their mixes, or another suitable savoury vegan mix like “Sosmix” will do…)
  • 1 pack JusRol chilled pre-rolled puff pastry.
  • Some vegan marg to grease the baking sheet.




Make up the savoury mix as per instructions on the pack (in this case, mix with 200ml cold water & leave to stand for 10mins)

Whilst mix is setting into a paste, open up puff pastry sheet & cut as per the picture below.

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Start folding in the pastry in a plait fashion on top of the savoury mix and trim any excess pastry at the end to make it look neater.

Place on a greased baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes at 200°C or until golden brown.


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Et voila!

QV: Everyone I know is struggling for money at the moment. How much did this cost?

VWITK: The whole lot cost around £3.20. So I guess that’s about £1.70 a portion because I didn’t use everything in one plait.

You can find more information on VWITK here:

Thanks for reading guys! 🙂